Jun 6, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Gut Health, Uncategorized
As a nutrition and wellness practitioner for women with endometriosis, I always have my ear to the ground about what diets endo warriors are hearing about, trying out, and wondering about. One that I keep seeing come up lately is the low FODMAP diet. Today we are...
May 30, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Lifestyle, Endometriosis
Having a chronic illness like endometriosis, and stress appearing in your life are two things that tend to go hand in hand. Struggling with symptoms like extreme pain, fatigue, digestive symptoms, and more causes stress. And then stress can further contribute to...
May 17, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Gut Health
Most people think of endometriosis as being a reproductive disorder. Endometriosis is just a painful period, right?? So why in the world do we experience bloating from endometriosis? In fact it is such a common symptom that it has its own name: endo belly! Have you...
May 3, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Pain, Uncategorized
Period pain is something that has become so normalized in our society. I remember as a teenage girl when I started having severe period pain and even nausea that it felt like I was generally brushed off by society because it is just “part of being a woman.” So...
Apr 25, 2023 | Adenomyosis, Blog post, Endometriosis
April happens to be Adenomyosis Awareness Month. I couldn’t very well let that slide by without having a conversation about adenomyosis, endo’s twin sister! There is a high percentage of people with endometriosis who also have adenomyosis and vice versa. Today we are...
Apr 12, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Pain, Endometriosis
What exactly are endometriosis flares? Basically, they are periods of time when pain and other symptoms worsen. These are the moments when it feels like your uterus is on fire or wrapped in barbed wire or like you are just going to explode from the inside out....
Apr 4, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Lifestyle, Endometriosis
Welcome back to part 2 of our series on toxins and endometriosis! Last week in part 1 we learned what items in your kitchen to watch out for that may be exposing you to toxic chemicals that can disrupt your hormones. Today we are going to move into how to detoxify...
Mar 28, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Lifestyle, Fertility
Here’s the thing. Life is messy. It’s complicated. Cleaning it up can be a challenge, but I am here to guide you and make it simple! When it comes to working to heal your body with endometriosis, toxins are an important piece of the puzzle. Life is full of toxic...
Mar 8, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis
On average, it takes 7-10 years for someone with endometriosis to receive a diagnosis. 7-10 YEARS! That means 7-10 years of pain, fatigue, confusion, frustration, and feeling so very alone. Why is this such a big issue and why does it take so long?? Well, a big piece...
Feb 21, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Gut Health
When it comes to endometriosis, I am all about eating a diet that is as inclusive as possible. While restricting more foods temporarily during a healing protocol may be necessary, in the long run you want to be able to enjoy your life and live it to the fullest and...
Feb 15, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Pain, Endometriosis
Endometriosis pain with ovulation (or even ovulation pain in general) is not something that may be commonly talked about, but it is in fact a relatively common occurrence. In fact, it even has its own name: “Mittelschmerz.” This term is a German word translating to...
Feb 8, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Gut Health, Uncategorized
Can endometriosis cause bloating? Well, not directly, but there absolutely is a connection between the two. That’s why there is a phenomenon amongst endo warriors that is so common that it has its own name: endo belly! And the great news is that you can address both...
Jan 31, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Fatigue, Gut Health
Fatigue and endometriosis is NOT one of the first connections that I made when I started my endo journey. In fact, I truly didn’t even realize that I was fatigued until I wasn’t anymore. Fatigue is something that is so normalized in our culture that I didn’t even...
Jan 17, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Fertility
If you are like many women and couples who have struggled with fertility, you have likely tried everything under the sun. You have taken countless ovulation tests, charted your cycles, spent hours laying down with your hips and legs elevated, you name it. You may have...
Jan 10, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis
As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I receive a lot of questions about doing an elimination diet for endometriosis. How to approach them, what to eliminate, how long to eliminate foods, why they are necessary. So I am here to answer all those questions today in one...
Jan 3, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis
Endometriosis was first mentioned to me in a fertility specialist’s office. I had barely ever heard the word, much less knew anything about it. At home, like most of us do when we encounter something we don’t know much about, I spent some time on Dr. Google. I learned...
Nov 23, 2022 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Uncategorized
So let’s be real. The holidays are stressful for everyone! But they can be extra-stressful when you are dealing with a chronic illness like endo. We want to be able to show up for our friends and family and have a joy-filled holiday season. This definitely means...
Nov 15, 2022 | Birth Control, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility
As much as we would like to believe it since it is such a simple solution, birth control doesn’t “fix” endo. I can’t tell you how often I hear stories like these. A woman walks into her doctor’s office, tells them that she is experiencing pain, hormonal symptoms,...
Nov 9, 2022 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Uncategorized
Last week we talked about all of the very best foods to nourish your body with endo. Today we will dive into a look at the worst foods for endometriosis. Exactly which foods are best for you is very individual to your unique body, but there are certain principles that...
Nov 1, 2022 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis
As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I get this question a lot. What are the best foods for endometriosis? At the end of the day the answer of exactly which foods are best for YOU can be more complex. Different people have different food sensitivities. People also...