Mar 20, 2024 | Birth Control, Endometriosis, Fertility, Podcast
Listen Now In today’s episode I’m thrilled to be joined by Crystal Felice, a former Pharmacist who’s now a functional practitioner. Today, we’re delving into a crucial topic: birth control. So many of us are introduced to the pill at a young...
Nov 15, 2022 | Birth Control, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility
As much as we would like to believe it since it is such a simple solution, birth control doesn’t “fix” endo. I can’t tell you how often I hear stories like these. A woman walks into her doctor’s office, tells them that she is experiencing pain, hormonal symptoms,...
Jul 27, 2022 | ART/IVF, Birth Control, Blog post, Fertility, Women's Rights
At the time I am writing this article, several weeks have passed since the Supreme Court made the historic decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a decision that has massive impacts on every person with a uterus in this country. I know, you have heard it all before and...
May 6, 2022 | Birth Control, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility, PCOS, Period Problems
Education around women’s health is something I have become very passionate about. Looking back on my own health history, there are so many things that likely could have been avoided had I known to look into root causes then rather than years later when I was trying to...