Feb 26, 2025 | Endometriosis, Gut Health, Podcast, Uncategorized
Listen Now Have you tried cutting out gluten, dairy, sugar, or even done an elimination diet—yet you’re still dealing with bloating? You’re not alone! While diet plays a role in digestion, it’s not always the root cause of bloating. In today’s episode, we’re getting...
Aug 6, 2024 | Uncategorized
Unraveling the Mysteries: Is Endometriosis Actually an Autoimmune Disease? For years, medical experts have been trying to understand the complexities of endometriosis, a condition that affects millions of women worldwide. While it is known to cause debilitating...
Jun 6, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Gut Health, Uncategorized
As a nutrition and wellness practitioner for women with endometriosis, I always have my ear to the ground about what diets endo warriors are hearing about, trying out, and wondering about. One that I keep seeing come up lately is the low FODMAP diet. Today we are...
May 3, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Pain, Uncategorized
Period pain is something that has become so normalized in our society. I remember as a teenage girl when I started having severe period pain and even nausea that it felt like I was generally brushed off by society because it is just “part of being a woman.” So...
Feb 8, 2023 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Gut Health, Uncategorized
Can endometriosis cause bloating? Well, not directly, but there absolutely is a connection between the two. That’s why there is a phenomenon amongst endo warriors that is so common that it has its own name: endo belly! And the great news is that you can address both...
Nov 23, 2022 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Uncategorized
So let’s be real. The holidays are stressful for everyone! But they can be extra-stressful when you are dealing with a chronic illness like endo. We want to be able to show up for our friends and family and have a joy-filled holiday season. This definitely means...
Nov 9, 2022 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Uncategorized
Last week we talked about all of the very best foods to nourish your body with endo. Today we will dive into a look at the worst foods for endometriosis. Exactly which foods are best for you is very individual to your unique body, but there are certain principles that...
Apr 1, 2022 | ART/IVF, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility, Period Problems, Uncategorized
I remember when I first heard the term “endo warrior.” It was shortly after I had met with my doctor when she had first suspected endometriosis based on my ultrasound. At the time I didn’t even really know what it was. I had heard of it, but knew next to nothing. That...