Managing Stress and Endometriosis

Managing Stress and Endometriosis

Having a chronic illness like endometriosis, and stress appearing in your life are two things that tend to go hand in hand. Struggling with symptoms like extreme pain, fatigue, digestive symptoms, and more causes stress. And then stress can further contribute to...
Bloating from Endometriosis

Bloating from Endometriosis

Most people think of endometriosis as being a reproductive disorder. Endometriosis is just a painful period, right?? So why in the world do we experience bloating from endometriosis? In fact it is such a common symptom that it has its own name: endo belly! Have you...
Infertility on Mother’s Day 

Infertility on Mother’s Day 

Mother’s Day is a day full of emotions for so many people. Some women may feel overjoyed and celebratory to celebrate with their babies. Others may be feeling the loss of their own mother or their child. Sometimes it can be a mixture of all of this at once! If you...
Why Are My Periods So Painful?

Why Are My Periods So Painful?

Period pain is something that has become so normalized in our society. I remember as a teenage girl when I started having severe period pain and even nausea that it felt like I was generally brushed off by society because it is just “part of being a woman.” So...
Endometriosis, Toxins, and Your Kitchen

Endometriosis, Toxins, and Your Kitchen

Here’s the thing. Life is messy. It’s complicated. Cleaning it up can be a challenge, but I am here to guide you and make it simple! When it comes to working to heal your body with endometriosis, toxins are an important piece of the puzzle. Life is full of toxic...
Endometriosis Awareness: Why It Matters

Endometriosis Awareness: Why It Matters

On average, it takes 7-10 years for someone with endometriosis to receive a diagnosis. 7-10 YEARS! That means 7-10 years of pain, fatigue, confusion, frustration, and feeling so very alone. Why is this such a big issue and why does it take so long?? Well, a big piece...
Endometriosis Pain With Ovulation

Endometriosis Pain With Ovulation

Endometriosis pain with ovulation (or even ovulation pain in general) is not something that may be commonly talked about, but it is in fact a relatively common occurrence. In fact, it even has its own name: “Mittelschmerz.” This term is a German word translating to...
Elimination Diet for Endometriosis

Elimination Diet for Endometriosis

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I receive a lot of questions about doing an elimination diet for endometriosis. How to approach them, what to eliminate, how long to eliminate foods, why they are necessary. So I am here to answer all those questions today in one...
So I Have Endo: Where Do I Begin?

So I Have Endo: Where Do I Begin?

Endometriosis was first mentioned to me in a fertility specialist’s office. I had barely ever heard the word, much less knew anything about it. At home, like most of us do when we encounter something we don’t know much about, I spent some time on Dr. Google. I learned...
Alyssa Chavez endo belly girl




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