Jan 17, 2023 | Blog post, Endo Nutrition, Endometriosis, Fertility
If you are like many women and couples who have struggled with fertility, you have likely tried everything under the sun. You have taken countless ovulation tests, charted your cycles, spent hours laying down with your hips and legs elevated, you name it. You may have...
Nov 29, 2022 | Blog post, Fertility
*Note: This article contains discussion of infertility and pregnancy loss. Please take care of yourself as you see fit with that information.* For me, I have always known I wanted to be a mom. From a young age I had dreams for myself as far as career, travel, and...
Nov 15, 2022 | Birth Control, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility
As much as we would like to believe it since it is such a simple solution, birth control doesn’t “fix” endo. I can’t tell you how often I hear stories like these. A woman walks into her doctor’s office, tells them that she is experiencing pain, hormonal symptoms,...
Oct 4, 2022 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Gut Health
Just yesterday I was on the phone with a doctor’s office and was told that endo is a “disease of the uterus.” I felt like screaming! If there is one thing I know about endo, it is that it is a full body disease. Endo is NOT just a painful period or even just a...
Sep 20, 2022 | Blog post, Fertility
Struggling with infertility can bring up a wide range of challenges and emotions. It seems as though everyone wants to give advice and “helpful” solutions like “just relax and it will happen.” Reaching out to medical doctors can leave you feeling like you have no...
Sep 6, 2022 | Blog post, PCOS, Period Problems
PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, affects around 1 in 10 of reproductive-age women. That comes out to an estimated 5 million women in the United States alone! PCOS comes with a host of uncomfortable symptoms and unfortunately is so often approached in the medical...
Sep 1, 2022 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Period Problems
When we think of endometriosis, we tend to think of it as a gynecological disease affecting the female reproductive system. However, multiple studies have shown that around 90% of women with endometriosis also have digestive problems. In fact, one of the reasons it...
Aug 17, 2022 | Blog post, Endometriosis, Period Problems
I am finishing up writing this article as I am preparing to go into endometriosis surgery myself, tomorrow. I will be sure to update you all with a new article with my experience as soon as I am able! Since I announced my upcoming surgery, I have received a flood of...
May 13, 2022 | Blog post, Fertility, Period Problems
The information in this post should not be taken as medical advice. All information is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your licensed and credential doctor or practitioner before embarking on any changes. Cycle charting is such an important part of...
May 6, 2022 | Birth Control, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility, PCOS, Period Problems
Education around women’s health is something I have become very passionate about. Looking back on my own health history, there are so many things that likely could have been avoided had I known to look into root causes then rather than years later when I was trying to...
Apr 1, 2022 | ART/IVF, Blog post, Endometriosis, Fertility, Period Problems, Uncategorized
I remember when I first heard the term “endo warrior.” It was shortly after I had met with my doctor when she had first suspected endometriosis based on my ultrasound. At the time I didn’t even really know what it was. I had heard of it, but knew next to nothing. That...
Dec 27, 2021 | Blog post, Fertility, Healthy Hormones
Let’s face it, nothing is more frustrating for a woman than having her hormones out of whack. It can make life miserable premenstrually and during menstruation, and can make those dreams of becoming a mom feel so very far away. Join me on this journey to see how...